“I see you doubt the parts of you that love the world so much you wonder if you’ll ever be able to show it. I want to take your face in my hands and say, You who love the world so much, That’s what you are here to do.”
— brian andreas
“He reflected deeply, until this feeling completely overwhelmed him and he reached a point where he recognized causes; for to recognize causes, it seemed to him, is to think, and through thought alone feelings become knowledge and are not lost, but become real and begin to mature.”
— siddhartha
“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant—there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing—and keeping the unknown always beyond you…”
— georgia o'keeffe
““That is what artistic work and child’s play have in common; both, at their fullest, are experiences of being lost in the present, entirely occupied.” ”
— Mark Doty The Art of Description
““Now we recognize that in meaninglessness we are our own sole value, and that art is our chief instrument in the imaginative creation of this value, the turning of human experience into human meaning, the making of selves.” ”